Edited Book
Ramanathan, Veerabhadran; Millard-Ball, Adam; Niemann, Michelle; and Friese, Scott (eds) (2019), Bending the Curve. Climate Change Solutions, California Digital Library.
Articles and Chapters
See also Google Scholar
Streets and street-network sprawl
Barrington-Leigh, C and Millard-Ball, A (2025), “A high-resolution global time series of street-network sprawl.” Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science. Online First. Data Interactive map
Millard-Ball, A; Silverstein, B; Kapshikar, P; Stevenson, S; and Barrington-Leigh, C (2024), “Dividing Highways: Barrier effects and environmental justice in California.” Journal of Planning Education and Research. Online First.
Vazquez, F; Millard-Ball, A; and Barrington-Leigh, C (2023), “Urban development and street-network sprawl in Tokyo.” Journal of Urbanism: International Research on Placemaking and Urban Sustainability. Online First.
Rezaei, N and Millard-Ball, A (2023), “Urban form and its impacts on air pollution and access to green space: A global analysis of 462 cities.” PLoS ONE, 18(1): e0278265. Data
Engel, R; Millard-Ball, A; and Turner, VK (2023), “Contributions of roads to surface temperature: Evidence from Southern California. Environmental Research Communications, 5(1): 015004.
Millard-Ball, A (2022), “The width and value of residential streets.” Journal of the American Planning Association, 88(1): 30-43. Data and map
Millard-Ball, A (2021), “Turning streets into housing.”Journal of Transport and Land Use, 14(1): 1061-1073.
Barrington-Leigh, C and Millard-Ball, A (2020), “Global trends toward urban street-network sprawl.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(4): 1941-1950. News release Interactive map
Barrington-Leigh, C and Millard-Ball, A (2019), “A global assessment of street-network sprawl.” PLOS ONE, 14(11): e0223078.
Barrington-Leigh, C and Millard-Ball, A (2017), “More connected urban roads reduce US GHG emissions.” Environmental Research Letters, 12(4): 044008.
Barrington-Leigh, C and Millard-Ball, A (2015), “A century of sprawl in the United States.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112(27): 8244–8249. Supporting Information Data and visualizations
Autonomous vehicles and ridehailing
Millard-Ball, A; Liu, L; Hansen, W; Cooper, D; and Castiglione, J (2023), “Where ridehail drivers go between trips.” Transportation, 50: 1959-1981. Interactive map
Kondor, D; Santi, P; Le, D-T; Zhang, X; Millard-Ball, A; and Ratti, C (2020), “Addressing the minimum parking problem for on-demand mobility.” Science Advances, 10: 15885. Visualizations
Millard-Ball, A (2019), “The autonomous vehicle parking problem.” Transport Policy, 75: 99-108. Preprint News release
Millard-Ball, A (2018), “Pedestrians, autonomous vehicles, and cities.” Journal of Planning Education and Research, 38(1): 6-12. Preprint Planetizen blog post
Riggs, W; Schlossberg, M; Millard-Ball, A; and Shay, E (2018), “Transforming Street Design: Approaches to Reengineering Our Neighborhood Streets.” Chapter 5 in Riggs, W (ed.), Disruptive Transport: Driverless Cars, Transport Innovation and the Sustainable City of Tomorrow. New York: Routledge.
Climate change
Millard-Ball, A and Press, D (2019), “Lessons from California.” Chapter 9 in Ramanathan, V; Millard-Ball, A; Niemann, M; and Friese, S (eds), Bending the Curve. Climate Change Solutions, California Digital Library.
Millard-Ball, A and Ramanathan, V (2019), “Introduction.” In Ramanathan, V; Millard-Ball, A; Niemann, M; and Friese, S (eds), Bending the Curve. Climate Change Solutions, California Digital Library.
St-Louis, E and Millard-Ball, A (2016), “Cap-and-trade, crowding out, and the implications for municipal climate policy motivations.” Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 34(8): 1693-1715. Preprint
Allison, J; Press, D; Horowitz, C; Millard-Ball, A; and Pincetl, S (2016), “Paths to carbon neutrality: Lessons from California.” Ch. 7 of Ramanathan, Veerabhadran (ed.), “Bending the Curve. Ten scalable solutions for carbon neutrality and climate stability,” Collabra 2(1): 21.
Millard-Ball, A (2013), “The Trouble With Voluntary Emissions Trading. Uncertainty and Adverse Selection in Sectoral Crediting Programs.” Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 65(1):40-55. Preprint Supplementary Material
Kerr, S and Millard-Ball, A (2012), “Cooperation to Reduce Developing Country Emissions.” Climate Change Economics, 3(4): 1250023. Working Paper
Millard-Ball, A (2012), “The Tuvalu Syndrome. Can geoengineering solve climate’s collective action problem?” Climatic Change, 110(3/4): 1047-1066. Preprint
Millard-Ball, A and Ortolano, L (2010), “Constructing Carbon Offsets. The Obstacles to Quantifying Emission Reductions,” Energy Policy, 38(1): 533-546. Preprint
Millard-Ball, A (2009), “Cap and Trade: Five Implications for Transportation Planners,” Transportation Research Record , 2119: 20-26. Preprint
(Recipient of Transportation Research Board Fred Burggraf Award)
Millard-Ball, A (2008), “The Municipal Mobility Manager. A New Transportation Funding Stream from Carbon Trading?” Transportation Research Record, 2079: 53-61. Preprint
Plans and their impacts
Angelo, H; MacFarlane, K; Sirigotis, J; and Millard-Ball, A (2024), “Missing the Housing for the Trees. Equity in Urban Climate Planning.“ Journal of Planning Education and Research, 44(3): 1415-1430. Preprint. News release
Sirigotis, J; Angelo, H; MacFarlane, K; and Millard-Ball, A (2022), “Why climate planning struggles with equity.” Chapter 4 in Petersen, B and Ducros, H (eds), Justice in Climate Action Planning, Springer Nature.
Millard-Ball, A (2021), “Planning as Bargaining: The causal impacts of plans in Seattle and San Francisco.” Journal of the American Planning Association, 87(4): 556-569. Preprint
Millard-Ball, A (2013), “The Limits to Planning. Causal impacts of city climate action plans.” Journal of Planning Education and Research, 33(1): 5-19. Preprint
(Featured in Planning magazine’s Research You Can Use column)
Millard-Ball, A (2012), “Do City Climate Plans Reduce Emissions?” Journal of Urban Economics, 71(3): 289-311. Preprint
Highways and travel demand
Millard-Ball, A and Guerra, E (2024), “Should environmentalists support the gasoline tax?” Journal of the American Planning Association, Online First. Data and code
Brandt, A; Millard-Ball, A; Ganser, M; and Gorelick, S (2013), “Peak Oil Demand. The role of fuel efficiency and alternative fuels in a global oil production decline.” Environmental Science & Technology, 47(14): 8031-8041. Preprint Supplementary Material Excel-based Model
Millard-Ball, A and Schipper, L (2011), “Are We Reaching Peak Travel? Trends in Passenger Transport in Eight Industrialized Countries.” Transport Reviews, 31(3): 357-378. Preprint
Cruising for parking
Millard-Ball, A; Weinberger, R; and Hampshire, R (2021), “The shape of cruising.“ Findings, September 2021
Millard-Ball, A; Hampshire, R; and Weinberger, R (2020), “Parking behavior: The curious lack of cruising for parking in San Francisco.” Land Use Policy, 91:103918. Preprint
Weinberger, R; Millard-Ball, A; and Hampshire, R (2020), “Parking Search Caused Congestion: Where’s all the fuss?” Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 120: 102781. Preprint
Millard-Ball, A; Weinberger, R; and Hampshire, R (2018), “Cruising for Parking. Lessons from SFpark.” Chapter 39 in Shoup, D (ed.), Parking and the City, New York: Routledge.
Hampshire, R; Jordon, D; Akinbola, O; Richardson, K; Weinberger, R; Millard-Ball, A; and Karlin-Resnick, J (2016), “Analysis of parking search behavior with video from naturalistic driving.” Transportation Research Record 2543: 152–158.
Millard-Ball, A; Weinberger, R; and Hampshire, R (2014), “Is the curb 80% full or 20% empty? Assessing the impacts of San Francisco’s parking pricing experiment.” Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 63: 76-92. Preprint Short version
Millard-Ball, A; Weinberger, R; and Hampshire, R (2013), “Comment on Pierce and Shoup: Evaluating the Impacts of Performance-Based Parking.” Journal of the American Planning Association, 79(4): 330-336. Preprint
Conservation policy
Armstrong, J; Nisi, A; and Millard-Ball, A (2022), “A disciplinary divide in the framing of urbanization’s environmental impacts.” Conservation Science and Practice, 4(3): e624.
Quadri, P; Sims, K; and Millard-Ball, A (2021), “Using Archaeological Heritage Sites in Mexico to Understand the Poverty Alleviation Impacts of Protected Areas,” Conservation Science and Practice, 3(2): e339.
Stanford, B; Zavaleta, E; and Millard-Ball, A (2018), “Where and why does restoration happen? Ecological and sociopolitical influences on stream restoration in coastal California ” Biological Conservation, 221: 219-227. News release
GIS and methods
Millard-Ball, A and Kim, K (2020), “Mixed Methods Research.” Chapter 11 in Ewing, R; and Park, K (eds), Advanced Quantitative Research Methods for Urban Planners, New York: Routledge.
Millard-Ball, A; Hampshire, R; and Weinberger, R (2019), “Map-matching poor-quality GPS data in urban environments: the pgMapMatch package.” Transportation Planning and Technology, 42(6): 539-553. Preprint. Python code
Barrington-Leigh, C and Millard-Ball, A (2017), “The world’s user-generated road map is more than 80% complete.” PLoS ONE, 12(8): e0180698.
Celsor, C and Millard-Ball, A (2007), “Where Does Car-Sharing Work? Using GIS to Assess Market Potential.” Transportation Research Record, 1992: 61-69. Preprint
Teaching and pedagogy
Millard-Ball, Adam; Desai, Garima; and Fahrney, Jessica (2024), “Diversifying Planning Education through Course Readings.” Journal of Planning Education and Research, 44(2): 527-534. Web tool Python code
Ramanathan, V et al. (2022), “Climate Change Education for All: Bending the Curve Education Project.” Chapter 12 in Suárez-Orozco, M and Suárez-Orozco, C (eds), Education: A Global Compact for a Time of Crisis, New York: Columbia University Press.
Other topics: Travel behavior, gentrification, and more
Millard-Ball, Adam; Matute, Juan; Reginald, Monisha; Pugh, Carolyn; Engelhardt, Chase; and butler, tamika l (2025), “TRACtion: A collaborative, community-researcher agenda-setting approach.” Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 29: 101291.
Millard-Ball, A and Kapshikar, P (2024), “How land use patterns keep driving cheap. Geographic support for transportation taxes.” Urban Studies, 61(7): 1345-1370.
Millard-Ball, A and Timmons, N (2023), “Electric vehicle charging and car dependency.” Findings, October 2023.
Millard-Ball, A; West, J; Rezaei, N; and Desai, G (2021), “What Do Residential Lotteries Show Us About Transportation Choices?” Urban Studies, 59(2): 434-452. Preprint. Policy brief. Short version
Guerra, E and Millard-Ball, A (2017), “Getting around a license-plate ban: Behavioral responses to Mexico City’s driving restriction.” Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 55: 113-126. Preprint
Millard-Ball, A (2015), “Phantom Trips. Overestimating the Traffic Impacts of New Development.” Journal of Transport and Land Use, 8(1): 31-49. Short version. Video. Data set
Burkhardt, J and Millard-Ball, A (2006), “Who’s Attracted to Car-Sharing?” Transportation Research Record, 1986: 98-105.
Millard-Ball, A (2002), “Gentrification in a Residential Mobility Framework”, Housing Studies, 17(6): 833-856.
Millard-Ball, A (2000), “Moving Beyond the Gentrification Gaps. Social Change, Tenure Change and Gap Theories in Stockholm,” Urban Studies, 37(9): 1673-1693.
Professional Journals
Engel, R; Turner, VK; and Millard-Ball, A (2023), “Should cities use cooler pavements?” Transfers, 10: 26-29.
Millard-Ball, A; West, J; Rezaei, N; and Desai, G (2021), “What Do Residential Lotteries Show Us About Transportation Choices?” Transfers, 8: 1-6.
Holmes, S; Huynh, R; and Millard-Ball, A (2018), “Pedestrian planning on college campuses,” Planning for Higher Education, 46, pp 1-16. Preprint
Millard-Ball, A; Weinberger, R; and Hampshire, R (2016), “Cruising for parking. Lessons from San Francisco,” ACCESS, Fall 2016, pp 8-15.
Millard-Ball, A (2014), “Phantom Trips,” ACCESS, Fall 2014, pp 13-18.
Millard-Ball, A (2010), “Where the Action Is. Local governments are taking climate action plans to a new level,” Planning, August/September 2010, pp 16-21.
Millard-Ball, A (2007), ““Pollution Solutions. Reducing emissions in your own city is an important first step in helping the globe,” Planning, August/September 2007, pp 10-17.
Millard-Ball, A (2007), ““California Puts on the Brakes, Planning, May 2007, pp 8-11.
Millard-Ball, A and Siegman, P (2006), “Playing the Numbers Game,” Planning, May 2006. Preprint
Millard-Ball, A; Siegman, P and Tumlin, J (2004), “Solving Campus Parking Shortages. New Solutions for an Old Problem,” Planning for Higher Education, 33(1): 30-43.
Tumlin, J and Millard-Ball, A (2003), “How to Make Transit-Oriented Development Work,”
Planning, May 2003. Preprint
Millard-Ball, A (2002), ““Putting on Their Parking Caps,” Planning, April 2002. Preprint
Blogs and op-eds
Millard-Ball, A and Manville M. “Electric driving is the future. Now is the time to price it.” Planetizen, August 24, 2022.
Barrington-Leigh, C and Millard-Ball, A. “Connected city streets mean healthier residents and communities.” The Conversation, August 20, 2020.
Policy Reports
How the Built Environment Affects Car Ownership and Travel: Evidence from San Francisco Housing Lotteries, UC Institute of Transportation Studies, 2020 [With Jeremy West, Nazanin Rezaei, and Garima Desai]
Rethinking the Street in an Era of Driverless Cars, Urbanism Next, 2018 [With Marc Schlossberg, Billy Riggs, and Elizabeth Shay]
Human Settlements, Infrastructure, and Spatial Planning, Chapter 12 of Fifth Assessment Report, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Working Group III, 2014. [Contributing author]
Transportation NAMAs: A Proposed Framework, Washington, DC: Center for Clean Air Policy, January 2010.
Truck Stop Electrification and Carbon Offsets, Los Angeles: Climate Action Reserve, October 2009.
Bus Rapid Transit and Carbon Offsets, Los Angeles: Climate Action Reserve, November 2008.
Taxi 07: Roads Forward, New York: Design Trust for Public Space and Taxi & Limousine Commission, 2007. [With co-authors]
Car-Sharing: Where and How it Succeeds, TCRP Report 108. Washington, DC: Transportation Research Board, 2005. [With co-authors]
Parking Spaces/Community Places. Finding the Balance through Smart Growth Solutions, Washington, DC: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2005. [With co-authors]
Making Taxi Service Work in San Francisco, San Francisco: San Francisco Planning and Urban Research Association, 2001.
Book Reviews
Review of “From Mobility to Accessibility. Transforming Urban Transportation and Land-Use Planning” by Jonathan Levine, Joe Grengs, and Louis A. Merlin. Journal of the American Planning Association, 2021, 87(1): 141-142.
Review of “Transit-Oriented Displacement or Community Dividends? Understanding the Effects of Smarter Growth on Communities”
by Karen Chapple and Anastasia Loukaitou-Sideris. Journal of the American Planning Association, 2020, 86(1): 132-133.
Review of “Street Fight. The Politics of Mobility in San Francisco” by Jason Henderson. Journal of the American Planning Association, 2013, 79(4): 349-350.